Next Level Urgent Care Pasadena
Medical ServicesPhysicians
Rep/Contact Info
Rhetta AmundsonRhetta AmundsonView Personal BioPreston HagerHi! I represent Next Level Urgent care and educate the Pasadena area on all the service we can provide to individuals and companies. We have a work injury related program called WorX that cost nothing to companies. We have a whole team dedicated to helping employees through the workers comp situation. We also provide health benefits through a program called Prime. This is a much less expensive option for health benefits that employers can give to their employees ($75 per employee per month with not copays or deductibles).
Next Level locations are open from 9a-9p 7 days a week, and Prime members have access to 24/7 telemed services.
Contact me with any questions you may have.
Preston HagerAlexis SmithAlexis SmithTell a Friend
Advocates for Pasadena Businesses and Citizens.