• Constituent Connection

  • Advocacy is a core pillar of the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber aims to develop well informed, empowered advocates that contribute to the growth, prosperity, and sustainability of our city and region. This is achieved by carefully identifying, analyzing, and influencing issues at a local, state, and federal level. 

  • Constituent Connection Corner Constituent Connection Corner

    CLICK HERE to visit our 2024-2025 Policy Guide, which outlines the policy items that we have identified as priorities for this year. Check back often for updates on these policy items and for new information on issues that impact your business.
    If you have a policy item or issue impacting your business, please contact us by CLICKING HERE

  • Constituent Connection Articles Constituent Connection Articles

  • Pasadena Chamber Priorities for the 89th Legislature Pasadena Chamber Priorities for the 89th Legislature

    CLICK HERE to view the legislative priorities we have identified for the 89th Legislature to create growth, prosperity and sustainability for Pasadena.

  • Member Alerts Member Alerts

    Deep Dive on Priority: Water Bills

    The discussion on how Texas plans to address its water needs ramped up this week thanks to the filing of Senate Bill 7 (SB 7). The House companion, House Bill 16 (HB 16), introduced earlier this month, offered a preview of the sweeping proposal. The draft legislation includes expanding funding opportunities at the Texas Water Development Board, strengthening legislative oversight, and enhanced performance and accountability measures.

    These bills serve as the enabling legislation for the Joint Resolutions (SJR 66/HJR 7), which seek to create a constitutionally dedicated revenue source for the Texas Water Fund. Lawmakers have already proposed injecting $2.5 billion in new funding through the budget. The Constitutional Propositions would authorize an additional $1 billion annually for the next 10 years.

    SB 7/HB 16 provides the framework for how those dollars will be spent. Click here for a detailed analysis of the legislation, the differences between the policies and key takeaways from this sweeping proposal.

    The Pasadena Chamber has joined efforts with more than 110 organizations in support of critical water infrastructure needs. Read the letter here

    Governor Abbott Reveals Plan For A Bigger, Better Texas

    Last week, Governor Greg Abbott secured a 13th-straight Governor’s Cup from Site Selection magazine. The award recognizes states leading in business growth and economic development projects. In response to the prize, the Governor proclaimed that Texas can go “Bigger and Better.”
    Following the award presentation, the Governor’s Office of Economic Development released its five-year strategic plan to continue spurring economic growth in the state. The plan examines 10 regions and identifies strengths and opportunities to diversify and expand growth in various business sectors.
    The plan highlights the Houston area (Gulf Coast region) as a key economic engine for Texas.
    “The region is poised to accommodate growth across a wide array of sectors through a highly educated talent pool and a robust network of skilled trade workers, including construction workers, drafters, engineering technicians, and the other talented individuals who build the infrastructure needed to accommodate economic expansion.”
    The plan recommends diversifying the region’s economic sectors by highlighting opportunities to grow life sciences, such as biopharmaceuticals, medical devices, and biotechnology. The plan also identifies expanded infrastructure and targeting more export-driven industries as keys to continued economic strength.
    In January, the Partnership released updated figures on new business, tracking nearly 1,000 announcements across 2023 and 2024. Last year alone, the region saw 30% of new companies or expansions in the manufacturing sector, 14% in Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, and another 11% in the Wholesale Trade business. These are clear signs that the Gulf Coast region is already taking action on items highlighted in the governor’s five-year plan.
    More broadly, the Governor’s strategic plan looks at four key areas for opportunity: 
    Strengthening and accelerating growth in targeted industries to create a thriving business community in each of the 10 regions
    Developing a robust innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem by connecting more startups and emerging industries with institutional businesses
    Supporting a nimble workforce training environment that leverages existing talent and fosters growth for the next generation
    Investing in a resilient infrastructure network to support growing businesses and communities
    Click here to read the full report and for individual snapshots on the 10 identified regions.
  • Pasadena Chamber Elected Official & Candidate Policy Pasadena Chamber Elected Official & Candidate Policy

    The Pasadena Chamber encourages elected officials and government entities to engage through chamber membership and participate in chamber events. Enabling opportunities for chamber and community members to be informed and engaged in political and government activities is important to the chamber’s mission and focus on advocacy. CLICK HERE to view the chambers 2025 policy regarding how elected officials and candidates seeking office can partner with the chamber.

  • Who Represents Me? Who Represents Me?

    Who Represents Me?

    Is your business facing a challenge and you need to get a hold of your designated elected official?  We've made the process easy for you.  Simply click one of the links below to get connected to the correct elected official at the local and state level:


    ELECTION/VOTER INFORMATION:  If you are registered to vote in Harris County, CLICK HERE to find out who represents you in all branches of government and to see which city council district you live in. 

    Voting Information / Register to Vote: CLICK HERE to register to vote and find out other important voting information


    Who is your State Rep?  CLICK HERE to search by address or county.

    Elected Officials DirectoryCLICK HERE to view the directory which was made by the Texas Tribune. To make it easier for Texans to know more about who represents them, they've gathered information about every statewide elected official, every member of the Texas Legislature and every Texan in Congress. Use their Elected Officials Directory to learn more about your elected officials, the districts they represent and how to contact their offices.


    CLICK HERE to search at Congress.gov

  • Upcoming Events

  • 2024-2025  Chamber Policy Guide 2024-2025 Chamber Policy Guide

    CLICK HERE to visit our 2024-2025 Policy Guide, which outlines the policy items that we have identified as priorities for this year. Carefully identified by our membership, this guide drives the Chamber's advocacy efforts at all levels of government.  

  • Local Development Projects Local Development Projects

    Are you interested in learning about the Pasadena Convention Center or other potential development projects in Pasadena?  

    Contact Rick Guerrero at the Pasadena Economic Development Corporation at (713) 475-4908 or rguerrero@pasadenaedc.com

    Infrastructure improvements, beautification, quality of life projects and more continue to be a key priority for the Pasadena EDC. CLICK HERE to view a comprehensive list of current projects they are working on.

  • Advocacy Sponsors Advocacy Sponsors

    Thank you to the following companies for partnering with the Pasadena Chamber in our advocacy efforts in 2025:



    Chevron Pasadena Refinery

    Clark Freight Lines

    Clearhope Counseling & Wellness


    Kicker Insures Me Agency

    Amy Hinojosa for Pasadena City Council District G

  • Advocacy at the Pasadena Chamber
  • 2024 Constituent Connection Recap
  • Thank you to Winkler PR for the filming and production of this video.  CLICK HERE to view pictures from this years event.