• Small Business Resource Fair

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    Name: Small Business Resource Fair
    Date: June 28, 2023
    Time: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM CDT
    Event Description:

    We have closed registration for this event, but you can still attend.  We will just have you register onsite once you arrive.  See you at 8am!

    The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce and Pasadena Loves Local present:
    Small Business Resource Fair on June 28th, from 8am - 10am at Community Transformation (CT) Church Pasadena.
    Complimentary Breakfast Provided By: McDonald's

    What is it & Who is it for:   The Small Business Resource Fair will begin with a panel discussion with representatives from the SBA (Small Business Administration), SBDC (Small Business Development Center) SCORE, and San Jacinto College, who will be discussing resources that can help your business THRIVE!

    After the panel discussion, guests can walk around the room and visit with multiple entities on hand and ready to tell you how to do business with them!

    This event is for any business who is interested in securing contracts with our registered vendors and/or learning about all the resources available to help you grow your business.

    If your business is interested in having a booth at this event so you can share any opportunities / contracts you have available to local, small businesses, please contact Erin Webb at Erin@pasadenachamber.org

    Community Transformation Church (CT Church Pasadena)
    6109 Fairmont Pkwy
    Pasadena, TX 
    Date/Time Information:
    June 28th
    8:00am - 10:00am
    Contact Information:
    Erin Webb
    Complimentary Event
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