• 2024 Town Hall Budget Planning

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    Name: 2024 Town Hall Budget Planning
    Date: July 26, 2023
    Time: 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM CDT
    Event Description:
    Get involved in Harris County Precinct 2 by participating in the upcoming Budget Meetings taking place at 6:30 pm on July 26th and on July 31st, 2023. Constituents will learn about the Harris County budget planning for 2024 and even make suggestions as to what should be prioritized. If you have any questions or comments, make sure to share those using the contact information found on the flyers below 👇
    May be an image of text that says 'HARA COUTTE ADRIAN GARCIA COMMISSIONER PRTEE COLANIO Be part of Harris County Budget process! 2023 Budget Town Hall Wednesday, July 26th 6:30 PM Commissioner Garcia invites residents to be part of the Harris County Budget process and attend upcoming person town hall! This town hall is an opportunity for residents to learn about the county budget, the process and provide input on what matters most to them! Channelview ISD Board Room 828 Sheldon Rd., Channelview, TX 77530 Scan for more info about Budget E-mail questions to: openbudget@bmd.hctx.net'
    May be an image of text that says 'ADRIAN GARCIA PRTE GOUNTY ¡Sea parte del proceso! Junta Comunitara del Presupuesto del Condado Harris Miércoles, 26 de Julio 6:30 PM ¡El Comisionado García invita a los residentes a ser parte del proceso presupuestario del condado de Harris asistir la próxima junta comunitaria en persona! junta es una oportunidad para que los residentes aprendan sobre el presupuesto del condado, el proceso brinden información sobre lo que más les importa! Channelview ISD Board Room 828 Sheldon Rd., Channelview, TX 77530 Escanear para más información Envíe sus preguntas por correo electrónico a: openbudget@bmd.hctx.net'
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