• 2021 District H Candidates

  • There are two individuals running for the City of Pasadena District H City Council position, with one seat available.  Please see below for information on these candidates. 

  • Thomas Schoenbein (Incumbent) Thomas Schoenbein (Incumbent)

    Thomas Schoenbein (Incumbent)
    Email: votetschoenbein@gmail.com
    Phone: 832-210-8075

    CLICK HERE to watch Candidate Video




    Why are you running for city council?

    I am running for re-election on council because I want to continue to represent the views and voice of District H on Council. I want to be one of nine decision makers who develop the future of our community, ensure its aligned with your values and support the vision that you have for the future of your family, business and yourself.
    I also have experience from my past two terms on council, experience in the corporate, industrial small business world.
    I was raised to believe that community service is a noble exercise of our freedom. However, I also believe that community service must be done for the right reasons. It should be viewed as a personal commitment to better our community, not to gain financially or professionally. 
    I’ve been married to my wife Bonnie for 37 years, we have two married children and 3 amazing grandchildren. I have been a resident of Pasadena for 50 years.  I have a genuine passion for this Community, our people and our future success. As a parent and grandparent, I appreciate the importance of living in a community that is safe and affordable, while offering amenities to our single, young and mature families.

    Each council district is comprised of thousands of people who live and work in Pasadena. What qualifications, job training and/or volunteer experiences prepare you to serve as the representative of your district? 

    I have lived in Pasadena for 50 years and I am a product of PISD. I attended Pomeroy Elementary, Queens JH, and graduated from Pasadena High.
    I was previously employed by Chevron Phillips Chemical for 10 years as an operator / mechanic until the tragic explosion in 1989. I was also employed by Academy Sports and Outdoors for 20 years as a Store Director. I earned my Real Estate License from Champions Real Estate School and I am currently a Real Estate Agent.
    I have coached youth girls’ softball, boys little league and boys basketball teams for many years, I am a past President of the Pasadena Umpires Association and a Girls softball, Boys little league, Pony, Colt and High School Baseball Umpires. 
    I am a Christian attend Sagemont Church.  
    Community Relations, Creating and Maintaining a Team Environment, Controlling Budgets of $45 Million plus, directing165 employees, financial tracking, forecasting, logistical process, media responses, payroll control, problem solving daily, provide budget planning, security control, statistical analysis, training programs.

    What are your top three priorities in serving the city of Pasadena and one thing you want to advocate for specifically on behalf of your district?

    Continue providing a safe environment for our citizens. I support our Pasadena Police Officers, Volunteer Fire Fighters, Fire Marshalls, City Marshalls and all City Workers. Continued support with state-of-the-art training, facilities and lifesaving equipment that protects all of our first responders and citizens. 
    Continue providing infrastructure repairs/replacements, street, waterlines, water treatment plants, sewer/drainage and sidewalks. I have partnerships with my neighborhoods in District H, be it HOA meetings, community block meetings, in person visits, text or phone calls or self-identifying as I drive the district to identify and resolve issues.
    Continue Flood Mitigation – I have worked with our administration, Harris County and FEMA to identify projects to help control flooding within the district, Work has started along Genoa Red Bluff with a massive retention area that provides run off flow out of many of District H neighborhoods. Future projects include flood drainage along Red Bluff from Fairmont to Hwy.146 and the protection of Armond Bayou watershed. 
    Healthy Quality of Life / Parks - committed to improving our hike and bike trails system, and proud to have participated with our Healthy parks strategic planning process, which will be connecting our hike and bike trails into one 26 mile route throughout Pasadena.  

    What needs to be done to support and grow existing businesses and to attract new businesses to our city?

    We must continue to grow and have a strong code enforcement program that address violations.  This will keep the competitive business field from unfair practices of a random start up.
    We must look to implement new technology within our permitting department.  We need to be electronic with plan submission, permit request, follow up and communications 
    Provide Infrastructure Improvements – Roads, Sidewalks, Lighting, Safety and Security.
    Tax Incentives – for large and small businesses wanting to relocate to Pasadena in lower developed areas of our community.
    Store Front Improvement – work to provide ongoing grants to help older store fronts to modernize and compete. Store Front Contest / Recognition.
    Workforce Development – Partner with Pasadena ISD by utilizing Career and Technology Students, Partner with Trade Schools and Union Apprenticeship Programs. 
    Pasadena Loves Local Commerce - Promote Local Business – Continue to Educate our citizens to shop local.
    Continue Economic Development - Incentives from Pasadena Economic Development Corporations.
    Adaptive Reuse of Vacant Buildings – offer permit fee waivers and faster timeline turn arounds on permitting.

    Our city is mostly developed, and in order to grow, will have to begin to redevelop. How would you facilitate redevelopment? What tools (TIRZ, chapter 380 agreements, municipal bonds, livable community funding, management districts, grants) would you support to assist with redevelopment?

    The old Pasadena Mall is a great example of utilizing a TIRZ to redevelop a depressed area, I have been working with our Pasadena Economic Development Team as a partner to work with investors. This area would be an ideal location for quality housing with shops, parks, restaurants and service providers. 
    I would use a management district as a partnership of investment with the city.  There are areas along Spencer and north of Spencer that could benefit with the right agreements.
    We currently use Grant money very well and should continue to be proactive.
    Livable community funding are resources that we could expand on in the future.
    We could use these grants to enhance green spaces and promote clean air and water. We can also look at alternative transportation while easing traffic congestion. We can involve our citizens and private sector as part of our local planning. I believe this would create a higher quality of life that will attract skilled workers and cutting-edge industries. 
    Municipal bonds are good revenues to provide infrastructure, roads and buildings, I would utilize this tool with a clear vision on the specific need, specific project scope of work and request voters support.     

    “Pasadena Loves Local” is an initiative focused on supporting local business and encouraging all citizens to choose local to benefit our community. In your opinion, what can be done to improve the quality of life in Pasadena so that it is a great place for people to choose Pasadena to live, work, play and shop?

    We must continue to provide a safe environment protecting our citizens. I already support our police officer staffing raised to a total force of 325 officers, a new replacement fire station on Kirby and a new Fire Station on Crenshaw and Burke. Our infrastructure must continue to be repaired and replaced where identified. Red Bluff is a focus for improvement. We must continue updating and eliminating outdated or obsolete city code ordinances to ensure we are not handicapping or neglecting future trends that are affecting residential housing or businesses. We have developed a Healthy Parks Plan that will enhance our hike and bike trail system throughout Pasadena connecting 26 miles of trails and upgrading a majority of our parks with new equipment and walking tracks. We are encouraging developers to bring projects that include affordable housing, retail and restaurants to Pasadena. Our Convention Center is very dated and needs upgrades or replacing.  We are missing opportunities to hold industrial technology conferences, meetings, breakout rooms, high school graduations or other community events. 

  • Ray Garivey Ray Garivey

    Ray Garivey
    Email: rgarivey702@yahoo.com
    Phone: 832-282-9296
    Website: www.raymondgarivey.org

    CLICK HERE to watch Candidate Video



    Why are you running for city council?

    It's always been my passion to help and serve others. I am customer service driven. I love Pasadena and want to continue to see our wonderful city moving in the right direction. I want to focus on issues that the citizens of District H bring forward. I want to be their voice! 

    Each council district is comprised of thousands of people who live and work in Pasadena. What qualifications, job training and/or volunteer experiences prepare you to serve as the representative of your district?

    I am a 29 year police veteran and the rank of Chief for a nearby police department. I believe in customer service and meeting the needs of the citizens I serve. In my current position, I've been involved with day to day issues from citizens and not just police related issues. I'm a problem solver and I pride in getting issues resolved. 

    What are your top three priorities in serving the city of Pasadena and one thing you want to advocate for specifically on behalf of your district?

    Quality of life in District H, which includes, streets, drainage, sidewalks, parks and overall beautification. I believe in more community based programs where your city leaders can interact with the community, especially our seniors. Of course #1, the safety of our citizens with increased police patrols and getting them the tools they need to keep you safe in our community. 

    What needs to be done to support and grow existing businesses and to attract new businesses to our city?

    The city is pretty much landlocked and very few areas still available for new development, which says a lot about our city. I think we need to focus on our overall image of our city as whole so they we can attract new business and homeowners. Pasadena is a wonderful city, but we can do better for our citizens and business owners by improving and adding more amenities such as our parks, walking trails, beautification around major throughfares, better lighting, and street improvements in our neighborhoods. We can do better together! 

    Our city is mostly developed, and in order to grow, will have to begin to redevelop. How would you facilitate redevelopment? What tools (TIRZ, chapter 380 agreements, municipal bonds, livable community funding, management districts, grants) would you support to assist with redevelopment?

    As city council we represent the citizens and must monitor and address any wasteful spending of your tax dollars and monitor all city projects and expenditures. Let's utilize money saved on projects that you the citizens can see and be proud of. I would also consider going out for bonds and selling that plan to you the citizens. I'm not opposed to TIRZ or 380 agreements, but I would need to make sure the taxpayers of Pasadena benefit from these programs. How many jobs would come to Pasadena, and tax dollars generated for our community. 

    “Pasadena Loves Local” is an initiative focused on supporting local business and encouraging all citizens to choose local to benefit our community. In your opinion, what can be done to improve the quality of life in Pasadena so that it is a great place for people to choose Pasadena to live, work, play and shop?

    More interaction among our citizens but led by our city leaders and marketing for our business owners. More social venues that include our local businesses where they set up booths and introduce themselves to the community, ie market days! Advertisement for our businesses on our local city cable channel.